On March 31, Governor Pritzker announced that the closure of Illinois schools will extend through April 30. District 303 school buildings continue to be closed. Per Illinois Executive Order 2020-10, all district playgrounds are closed to public use until further notice. Staff will be available to answer the phone remotely between the hours of 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM. Please call your child’s school if you have questions or concerns.
District Technical Support Resources
Preguntas Frecuentes sobre los Días de Aprendizaje Electrónico
How will e-Learning day assignments be communicated?
Teachers will communicate assignments with both students and parents by 9:00 AM of the e-Learning day. Middle and high school teachers may communicate directly with students more often than elementary school teachers.
What if we don’t have Internet access at our home?
If your area has Comcast service available they have recently offered free and low-cost internet access options for those in need. If Comcast service is not available we have a limited number of internet hotspots available, please contact the D303 IT Services office at (331) 228-5188.
What if my child has an IEP or 504 plan?
Students will follow their teacher’s lesson plans, and teachers will be available to help. If there are other special circumstances, their case manager and/or teacher will inform them of the learning activities and goals.
For students taking courses at Fox Valley Career Center, how will they access their Remote Learning?
Students will receive messages via email from their Fox Valley Career Center instructors and a common message will be available via the Fox Valley Career Center website: https://www.foxvalleycc.org/.
What if students are taking too long to complete the activities sent home?
It is assumed that students will complete the tasks at different rates, similar to when they are in school. If you feel the task is taking your child too long, please contact your child’s teacher.
Are teachers accessible at all times during the day via electronic means?
No. Teachers are encouraged to check their normal communication avenues regularly and respond to student inquiries in a timely manner during normal school hours.
Who can I contact if I need technology support for my child?
D303 has implemented an online chat support solution. This is the best way for families to get technical support for district devices and services. We will be able to assist you during normal business hours, but if you leave a message, support staff will follow up with you the next business day. Chat support can be accessed by going to: https://helpdesk.d303.org/chat.
What are the expectations for full time and part-time dual credit students at Elgin Community College?
Dual credit students and families will receive updates as they are made available from the Assistant Principals for College and Career Readiness at the high schools. ECC is regularly posting updates to their website: https://elgin.edu/.
Is attendance being taken on e-Learning days?
Attendance will not be taken during e-Learning days, however, teachers will be aware if a student is participating in the daily lessons.
Will the e-Learning days impact the school calendar?
The Illinois State Board of Education has said that the days we are out of school related to the current situation do not have to be made up at the end of the school year. Right now, the last day of school in District 303 is May 22, 2020.
What do I do if my District issued Chromebook needs to be fixed or replaced?
For Chromebook replacement for broken devices please visit Thompson Middle School between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m Monday through Friday.
What do I do if I need to go to my school?
A limited number of staff members will be in the schools to answer phones between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at the high schools and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. at the elementary schools, middle schools, and district office. Parents should only go to school if it is essential. Contact the school office before going to the building.
What is going to happen with state tests like the ISA and IAR?
From the office of the State Superintendent: The U.S. Department of Education (ED) let us (ISBE) know that our request to waive assessments, summative designations, and reporting on accountability metrics for the 2019-20 school year appears to meet all statutory requirements. ED directed Illinois to go ahead and begin implementing the waivers while it processes the formal approval, which we should receive in the coming weeks.
We know that the free SAT provided by the state is the only opportunity many students get to take a college entrance exam. ISBE is working with the College Board on developing options to allow current 11th grade students to take the SAT in the fall. We hope to have more information on these options by the end of April.
What is going to happen with the SAT?
From the office of the State Superintendent: The U.S. Department of Education (ED) let us (ISBE) know that our request to waive assessments, summative designations, and reporting on accountability metrics for the 2019-20 school year appears to meet all statutory requirements. ED directed Illinois to go ahead and begin implementing the waivers while it processes the formal approval, which we should receive in the coming weeks.
We know that the free SAT provided by the state is the only opportunity many students get to take a college entrance exam. ISBE is working with the College Board on developing options to allow current 11th grade students to take the SAT in the fall. We hope to have more information on these options by the end of April.
St Charles North and East also host National SAT and ACT administrations in the fall (SAT - August, ACT - October and February). The ability to sign up for any of these has not yet happened. When we have confirmation those dates are still available from CollegeBoard and ACT the schools will let students and families know.
What will happen with AP testing?
CollegeBoard has recently updated their information about AP testing.
Resources available to AP students are at https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/coronavirus-updates#free-ap-classes. Information on this year's AP tests is scheduled to be released from CollegeBoard on April 3rd.
What will happen with Seal of Biliteracy testing?
The Illinois State Board of Education is working on plans to provide flexibility for students who wish to take an exam to earn their Seal of Biliteracy. At this time some exams are going to be made available online and out of school. As more specifics are made available we will update students and families.
Will the work being assigned during the closure be graded?
The Illinois State Board of Education has provided guidance to school districts relative to school closures, calendar, attendance, and grading, while also encouraging districts to implement educational opportunities that work best for their students and families. During the time when teachers and students are engaged in e-Learning in District 303, the work being completed will not be graded. There will be no adverse consequence or impact on student grades during the current school closures. Instead, teachers will give meaningful feedback that provides continuity of learning.
Students have a schedule every day at school which provides them with the tools they need to create a routine. When you set up your “home” school, first take the time to discuss a daily plan with your children that will help provide the structure they need during the e-Learning days.
Consider using a color-coded system to plan the day with a different color being used for online classes, study time, reading, leisure time and even household chores.
Ask your child to help you create a reading nook in a comfortable area of your house where he or she can concentrate. Add a soft blanket and a pillow or two to make the space inviting. Pile inviting books next to the chair so an adventure is always nearby.
Technology is a big part of e-Learning days but there are many ways to use technology to create, rather than to passively consume. Encourage creativity and problem solving, with a balanced mix of tech and non-tech activities. At school, students often make their own videos that illustrate their work whether it’s a math problem, a science experiment, or a piece of writing. Ask your children to make their own videos. Does your child love to cook? Have him make his own cooking show just like on TV. Does your child like to sing? Have her create a music video.
Make sure children are getting time to participate in “brain breaks” and activity. Ask them what they do at school to stretch or utilize exercise videos being sent home by the physical education teachers.
Finally, be flexible and make adjustments as you go. These next few weeks will be a marathon, not a sprint so break up the work, don’t feel that children have to finish everything in one sitting, and work in ways to be together as a family.
Families who need assistance with meals can come to Thompson Middle School, 705 W. Main St. between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to get "Grab and Go" bags with up to two days worth of food. If you need delivery assistance, please contact the District office at 331.228.2000.
Las familias que necesiten ayuda con las comidas pueden venir a la escuela secundaria Thompson, 705 W. Main St. entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 11:00 a.m. para conseguir bolsas de comida preparada para dos días. Si necesita ayuda con la entrega de comida, por favor, contacte a la oficina del Distrito al 331.228.2000.
Northern Illinois Foodbank
Food and personal supply donations are accepted between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Northern Illinois Foodbank, 273 Dearborn Ct. Geneva, IL.
Items are distributed at local food pantries. To see a list of distribution locations, please visit the Northern Illinois Foodbank website and enter your zip code.
This is available to anyone looking for basic needs, crisis and mental health services, financial assistance, health care, support groups, etc.
PATH está disponible para proporcionar recursos a cualquier persona de la comunidad, incluyendo necesidades básicas, servicios de crisis y de salud mental, asistencia financiera, atención médica, grupos de apoyo, etc. Llame al 211 para que alguien le ayude por teléfono.
Food Pantry Resources: