Report Card for Grades K-5
District 303 strives to meet the individual needs of each child according to their own abilities and honors that students grow at their own rate.
The purpose of the report card is to communicate a clear message to families about what their child knows and is able to do.
This elementary report card:
- Is aligned with the Illinois Learning Standards.
- Helps families recognize the learner’s progress towards proficiency in the grade level standards.
- Includes Behaviors that Affect Learning, which are essential in all aspects of the school day.
All sections of the report card are marked using the same rating scale:
- Beginning (Bgn) - Student has not yet demonstrated an understanding of concepts, skills and processes and requires consistent support
- Progressing (Prg) - Student sometimes demonstrates an understanding of concepts, skills and processes and requires some support
- Meeting (Mtg) - Student is proficient at demonstrating an understanding of concepts, skills and processes as stated in the standards/curriculum
- Exceeding (Exc) - Student demonstrates an in-depth understanding of concepts, skills and processes and exceeds the required level of performance
- NA. Not assessed at this time.
Physical Education, Art, Music
Physical Education Competencies
Demonstrated the Physical Skills and Movement Concepts necessary to perform a variety of activities. (Physical Education)
- 1st grade: Performs basic skills and movements through a variety of physical activities, creative movement and play.
- 2nd grade: Performs basic skills and movements with control while participating in a variety of physical activities, creative movement and games.
- 3rd grade: Performs basic skills and movements with control and accuracy while participating in a variety of physical activities, simple games, and creative movement.
- 4th grade: Uses basic skills with control and accuracy while participating in lead-up games, physical activities, dance; I can create movement sequences and recognize strategies used in all games and activities.
- 5th grade: Uses basic skills with control and accuracy while participating in lead-up games and physical activities; creates movement sequences and recognizes strategies used in games and activities.
Knows how to make and keep their body healthy and strong. (Health)
- 1st grade: Recognizes basic healthy habits to keep my body healthy and strong, can identify basic body parts and their functions and begin to recognize basic nutrition.
- 2nd grade: Participates in continuous physical activity for an extended time, can identify basic body systems and functions; can identify healthy choices in nutrition and physical activity.
- 3rd grade: Participates in continuous physical activity for an extended time, can identify basic body systems and functions; can identify healthy choices in nutrition and physical activity.
- 4th grade: Participates in continuous physical activity for an extended time, can identify basic body systems and functions; can identify and make healthy choices in nutrition and physical activity, perform Fitness testing and begin to set goals.
- 5th grade: Participates in continuous physical activity for an extended time, can identify basic body systems and functions; can identify and make healthy choices in nutrition, hygiene and physical activity, perform Fitness testing and set goals.
Comes prepared, demonstrates good sportsmanship, and participates safely. (Behavior, Attitude, Effort)
- 1st grade: Comes prepared, listens and follows directions and participates safely in activities without bumping into objects and others. Tries new activities, shares equipment and works with others.
- 2nd grade: Comes prepared, listens to and follows oral/written directions and participates safely in activities without bumping into objects and others. Tries new activities, shares equipment and begins to resolve conflict while working with others.
- 3rd grade: Comes prepared, listens to and follows oral/written directions and participates safely in activities without bumping into objects and others. Tries new activities, shares equipment and practices appropriate strategies when resolving conflict while working with others.
- 4th grade: Comes prepared, listens to and follows oral/written directions and participates safely in activities without bumping into objects and others. Tries new activities, shares equipment and practices appropriate strategies when resolving conflict while working with others.
- 5th grade: Comes prepared, listens to and follows oral/written directions and participates safely in activities without bumping into objects and others. Tries new activities, shares equipment and practices appropriate strategies when resolving conflict while working with others.
Art Competencies
Grades 1-5
- Applies skills and knowledge to create visual art.
Music Competencies
Grades 1-5
- Demonstrates musical skills taught during this trimester and explores different musical ideas.
Band Competencies
- Comes prepared with all lesson materials and participates appropriately.
- Identifies musical vocabulary, symbols, rhythms, and notes.
- Plays musical symbols, rhythms, and notes with proper playing position.
Orchestra Competencies
- Comes prepared with all lesson materials and participates appropriately.
- Identifies musical vocabulary, symbols, rhythms, and notes.
- Plays musical symbols, rhythms, and notes with proper playing position.