Strategic Commitments

We are proud to serve District 303 students and foster their growth by embracing our District's Strategic Plan and the unique traits of our staff and building services. 

Community Advisory Group

District 303 is engaging staff, families and community members in developing a comprehensive cell phone and technology procedure that supports and balances our academic, social and emotional expectations for excellence for each student.

Letter to the Community

Charge Statement

Application (Closes Aug. 30 at 12 p.m.)


Learn about the latest student news and activities across the District.

Across the Board
Read the notes from School Board meetings.

Data Dashboard
Check the current state of the District.


Each year District 303 sends four publications to all residents to provide updates on key initiatives. These publications are also available for viewing on our website.

Into Focus
Two-page report mailed each fall, winter and spring providing current District news.

Annual Report
Four-page report mailed each summer providing year-end student accomplishments, District data, and fall outlook.

Voices of District 303 Podcast

The Voices of District 303 Podcast is designed to open a window into the daily lives of our students, staff members, and community.

Podcast Episodes
Hear stories from across the District.


In addition to daily engagement with District 303 students, staff and families, Dr. Gordon leads committees, serves on and attends various community organization meetings. Regular outreach efforts include the following:

Superintendent Advisory Council
This group meets twice a month. The SAC provides opportunities for students to serve and offer student perspective and voice to decisions and the direction of the district.

Breakfast Rotary
This group meets every week. Rotary Club provides service to others, promotes integrity, goodwill and peace through a fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.

Mid-Valley Executive Board
This group meets once a month. Mid-Valley services students with special needs from Batavia, Central, Kaneland, St. Charles and Geneva.

Fox Valley Career Center Board
This group meets once a month. The Fox Valley Career Center provides vocational training for high school students in Batavia, Central, Geneva, Kaneland, St. Charles and West Aurora school districts.

This group meets once a month. These meetings are a collection of local intergovernmental groups to enhance collaboration and cooperation.

District PTO
This group of Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) presidents collaborates monthly on ways to support District 303 schools. 

Listen Learn Return
These sessions occur periodically during the school year. They are held in-person with District 303 staff, families and community members to gauge feedback and provide updates on key initiatives.

Welcome to Community Unit School District 303, where together we’re building pathways to Excellence! As your very proud superintendent, I have the honor of engaging daily with our students, staff, families and community members and witnessing our collective passions for education.

With each passing day, there is so much to celebrate across our District, from the students learning in the classroom, within their clubs or programs to the mentoring they receive from educators, support staff and administrators.

District 303 is not without its challenges, yet we are making strides daily to improve relationships, processes and outcomes. Driven by our five-year Strategic Plan, we are poised to elevate student success through an unwavering commitment to our Core Values, implementation of our Strategic Priorities, and continuous review of our Success Indicators. I’ve often told our staff that in order to grow our little people we have to grow our big people. Through an enhanced focus on Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and by fine-tuning structures across our organization I’m confident and excited about our future. Please take a moment to explore the key initiatives on this page that serve as the building blocks to pathways to excellence.


Dr. Paul Gordon

About Dr. Gordon

Dr. Paul Gordon has served as Superintendent of St. Charles Community Unit School District 303 since July 1, 2022.

Gordon’s public education career spans 25 years as a teacher and administrator. He most recently served three years as Superintendent of the Wenatchee School District in Wenatchee, Washington. Prior to that, Gordon served for six years as Superintendent in Glen Ellyn District 41. During that time, he was recognized with a Those Who Excel Award from the Illinois State Board of Education and as the Educator of the Year by the Village of Glen Ellyn in 2019.

For 15 years, Dr. Gordon served Adams 12 Five Star Schools in Thornton, Colorado as an English teacher, assistant principal, principal, Executive Director of Schools, and Chief Academic Officer. While there, Dr. Gordon earned the Wright Way Award for his leadership and collaborative, progressive, educational philosophy with demonstrated positive outcomes.

Dr. Gordon holds a bachelor’s degree in English and secondary education from Metropolitan State University, a master’s degree in administration and supervision from the University of Phoenix, and a doctorate in educational leadership and change from Fielding Graduate University.

Quarterly Family Updates Documents