Canceling In-Person Learning Due to Inclement Weather
Board Policy 4:170 authorizes the Superintendent to close school(s) for in-person learning in the event of hazardous weather or other emergency that threatens the safety of students, staff members or school property. As of Feb. 1, 2025, when school buildings are closed due to severe weather or an emergency, D303 will have an E-Learning Day.


When there is extreme weather, District 303 leadership closely monitors conditions and forecasts and collaborates with other local agencies when making a decision about any changes to school operations. Safety is always the top priority. When extreme weather, hazardous travel conditions, or another emergency poses a serious threat to the safety of students, staff members or school property, District 303 will close schools for in-person learning (which may also include the closure of District 303 office buildings) or implement a delayed start. As of Feb. 1, 2025, when school buildings are closed due to severe weather or an emergency, D303 will have an E-Learning Day.

Information and Procedures

In the event of hazardous amounts of snow, ice, extreme cold, low-temperature wind chills, or other emergency situations that pose safety concerns, the District 303 Superintendent may choose to implement a/an:

  • E-Learning Day (Emergency Day)
  • Delayed start

When considering changes to schedules due to inclement weather, District 303 closely monitors future and current weather and travel conditions. Leadership also routinely confers with local and neighboring public officials and school districts. Specifically, we’re assessing how weather conditions may impact travel for buses, families who drive students to and from school, and those who walk. While extreme cold temperatures play a factor in the decision, there are no specific temperatures which automatically trigger the closing or delayed start of school.  

When Will District 303 Make a Decision?

We recognize the challenges that abrupt schedule changes can have on families, and we aim to notify families and the community as early as possible of a closing or delayed start.

To the extent possible based on forecasted or actual weather conditions, communication procedures are as follows:

  • If the weather turns hazardous overnight, District 303 will make an announcement at 5 a.m. or before for a/an:
    • E-Learning Day: Close all schools or select schools for in-person learning; cancel before-school activities, and cancel after-school activities as necessary; OR
    • Delayed start (Weather expected to improve during the day): Implement late-start schedule; cancel morning activities.
  • Depending on how weather conditions evolve, District 303 may need to close schools midday if conditions warrant.
  • If the weather turns hazardous during the day, District 303 will make an announcement by 1 p.m. to cancel evening activities for that day.’

Please note, if District 303 does not send a notification about E-Learning or modified operations, we are operating on the normal in-person learning schedule.

How Will I Be Notified?

District 303 will send notifications to families through the Finalsite (formerly ParentLink) system by text message, phone call or email based on your settings. Please note, District 303 does not send notifications if schools will remain open.

View/Edit Notification Preferences
Parents/guardians can view and edit their contact settings through the Home Access Center.

  1. From the HAC main menu, select the “registration” tab to view your contact settings
  2. Select the “edit” button to change your contact settings
  3. Select the “save” button

Users can only update their child(ren) and personal contact information. You will not be able to make changes to another parent/guardian's contact information. For updates to emergency contacts, please reach out to the school directly.

Enable Text Messages
To receive timely emergency communications, we strongly encourage families to enable text notifications. For most people, this is the fastest way to receive and view important messages.

  1. From the HAC main menu, select the “registration” tab to view your contact settings
  2. Select the “edit” button to change your contact settings
  3. To enable text message notifications, enter your cell phone number in the Cell/Text field (Message and data rates may apply, depending on your phone plan).
  4. Select the “save” button

Other Communication Methods
District 303 will first send notifications to families via Finalsite. We will also publish school closings or modified operations information to the District and school websites, our District social media pages and the Emergency Closing Network.

Delayed Start Days

A delayed start is used when inclement weather is expected to improve later in the day. Delayed start will move back operations for the following: High school, Transition program, Compass Academy, middle school, and elementary school. For early childhood and half-day kindergarten, the AM session would be canceled and the PM session will continue as planned. A delayed start also means that all morning activities are canceled (e.g. practices, drivers education, clubs, before school care).

How do Delayed Starts Impact the School Day?

  • In a delayed start the District will push back the start time for each school, along with bus routes, by a time consistent with the improving weather conditions (usually two hours). A delayed start also means that all morning activities are canceled (e.g. practices and drivers education, clubs, before school care).
  • Due to the transportation requirements of a delayed start, all morning early childhood, preschool, and kindergarten programs (including Before the Bell ) are canceled. Afternoon early childhood, preschool and kindergarten programs will operate on schedule. 
    • When the start of school is delayed, classes will end at their regular time 
    • School lunches will still be served
    • If delayed on an early release day, the early release is canceled

  • Early Childhood and Half Day Kindergarten Delayed Start Hours: AM Canceled, PM Regular Schedule
  • Elementary School Delayed Start Hours: 11:05-3:25
  • Middle School Delayed Start Hours: 9:50-2:50
  • High School Delayed Start Hours: 9:15-2:15
  • Compass Academy Delayed Start Hours: 9:30-2:25/3:45
  • Transition Delayed Start Hours: 9:45-2:00

Emergency Day/ E-Learning Day

This is used when inclement weather or other emergency is expected for a majority of the day and schools are closed for in-person learning.   Starting February 1, 2025, District 303 will begin their newly approved E-Learning plan, effectively replacing snow days with E-learning days. Communication was sent to families on January 14, 2025.  Click here to view the communication sent to families.  This plan helps ensure we don’t lose crucial instructional time when school buildings must be closed due to severe weather or an emergency. This maintains learning continuity and eliminates the potential need to add attendance days at the end of the school year to meet state requirements on instructional days.  

View E-Learning Procedures