To help capture the essential elements of innovative learning experiences and practices, District 303 has outlined four key pillars of innovation as a part of its Strategic Commitments:
• Personalization of Learning
• Authentic Learning Experiences
• Responsive Teaching
• Competency-Based Strategies
These same four key pillars of innovation are also a focus for staff professional learning. District 303 values professional learning as vital to enhancing and augmenting an educator's practice to best meet students' needs. District 303 has placed significant resources and time towards the development and implementation of a comprehensive and rigorous learning system that supports its staff in a process of continual improvement and growth both internally and externally.
Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education
Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education
Admin. Asst. - Asst. Supt. of Secondary Education
Admin. Asst. to Chief Human Resources & Administrative Services Officer
Associate Director of High School Curriculum
Executive Director of Assessment & Accountability
Senior Director of Professional Learning
Senior Director of Learning & Teaching
Interim Executive Director of Learning & Teaching
Director of Language Acquisition