District Administration is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the departments and school building staff in District 303 to provide for the education of students who reside in the District. At the same time, District Administration also provides responsible oversight of the funds entrusted to the District by the residents.
District Administration is responsible for long-range planning for District 303 both educationally and financially. District 303 remains a key contributor in ensuring the municipalities served by the District thrive and remain vibrant into the future.
District Administration is supervised by the Superintendent of Schools, who reports directly to the Board of Education, the elected representatives of the District 303 community. The Superintendent's immediate staff consists of the heads of the following departments: Pre-Kindergarten - 5th Grade Education, 6th Grade - 12th Grade Education, Instruction, Student Services, Human Resources, Operations, Business Services, Instructional Technology, Assessment and Accountability, and Community Relations.
The Superintendent of Schools is the chief executive officer of District 303, and is responsible for implementing and administering the policies and directions of the School Board. The Superintendent of Schools provides leadership to the District, formulates plans for the District to achieve its operational and strategic goals, and serves as the primary representative of the District to the community.
The Superintendent of Schools, through delegation of authority to the members of the Senior Leadership Team, establishes and maintains processes and procedures to ensure the efficient and effective management of the District.
The Superintendent of Schools serves at the pleasure of the School Board and reports directly to the Board, who are the elected representatives of the residents of District 303.
The Assistant Superintendents are responsible for the supervision of schools, school improvement process and planning, and facility operations.
The Assistant Superintendent for Business Services/Chief Financial Officer (CFO) manages many aspects of financial planning for the District, including: budgeting and the annual tax levy; investments and financial reporting; accounts payable which includes purchasing, receiving, invoice payments and contracts; payroll, employee pensions and retirement benefits; and the District's insurance coverage.
The Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services leads academic progress and services including: curriculum development and implementation; assessment and accountability; instruction support, interventions and programs; instructional quality; and staff professional development.
The Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Administrative Services serves as the District Complaint Manager, overseeing District level discipline procedures, supports and supervises school staff planning for all schools, oversees District Human Resource functions, and labor management relations.
The Staff Directory contains contact information for the Assistant Superintendents:
The Executive Director of Secondary Education (6-12) leads the growth, development, and professional learning of principals in grades 6-12 and collaborates with the Cabinet on issues related to school improvement, program development, and program implementation at the middle and high schools.
The Executive Director of Elementary Education (PreK-5) leads the growth, development, and professional learning of the elementary principals and Early Childhood Director and collaborates with the Cabinet on issues related to school improvement, program development, and program implementation for grades PreK-5.
The Executive Director of Informational Technology Services leads the planning and implementation of information systems and technology initiatives that support district operational and educational goals.
The Executive Director of Operations manages all District 303 facility services and all related contracted services including: building operations, security, grounds, custodial, transportation and food services.
The Executive Director of Assessment & Accountability leads the District’s research, assessment, school improvement, and program evaluation functions as well as directs the District’s standardized testing programs.
The Executive Director of Student Services leads the development and implementation of high-quality special education services that result in improved learning outcomes for students with disabilities.
The Chief Communications Officer leads the District’s communications systems to support engagement efforts across schools and throughout the community, including emergency communications and media relations, and serves as the District’s FOIA Officer.
The Staff Directory contains contact information for the Executive Directors:
Executive Assistant - Superintendent
Chief Human Resources & Administrative Services Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education
Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education
Executive Director of Assessment & Accountability
Executive Director of Technology
Executive Director of Facilities
Executive Director of Student Services