About the Department of Professional Learning

The purpose of the Department of Professional Learning is to provide educators with skills and tools so that students will be able to meet college and career benchmarks through a comprehensive professional learning system. All of our professional learning is aligned to the D303 Strategic Plan.

Strategic Plan Alignment

Together Building Pathways to Excellence is the commitment that D303 has made to its stakeholders. The Department of Professional learning is committed to supporting educators to live out this commitment through providing professional learning experiences aligned to the strategic plan, and by embracing the core values of belonging, perseverance and achievement. This alignment can be seen directly through the course catalog, specifically the connections between the strategic priorities of effective collaboration, instructional coherence and a culture of dignity. Together, we will build pathways to excellence.


The Department of Professional Learning is responsible for leading and supporting staff with implementing a guaranteed and viable curriculum and evidenced-based strategies in classroom instruction for student success. Instructional Support Coaches (ISCs) support the development of the curriculum, instruction and professional learning for teachers related to this new content.

The department is also responsible for instructional technology, new educator mentoring, and professional learning. The department oversees the Instructional Support Coaches and the Instructional Technology Specialists.

Our goal is to work to improve student learning through evidenced-based instruction for each and every student and provide students with learning experiences that prepare them for post-secondary careers and higher education opportunities.

The responsibilities of the Department of Instruction include:

Guide and support:

  • Instructional Support Coaches
  • Instructional Technology Specialists

Provide opportunities for staff to learn and grow through:

  • Developing, communicating, implementing and overseeing the new educator mentoring program
  • Designing and organizing staff professional learning

Department of Professional Learning Staff

PJ Pamela Jensen

Senior Director of Professional Learning

SC Sarah Cann

Assistant Principal