We believe literate students are able to...

  • Establish independence by building on others' ideas, articulating their own, and confirming that they have been understood.
  • Build strong content knowledge by refining and sharing knowledge through writing, listening and speaking.
  • Respond to varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline.
  • Comprehend as well as critique by being engaged and open-minded readers and listeners.
  • Value text-based evidence by making their reasoning clear to the reader or listener.
  • Use technology and digital media strategically and capably.
  • Understand other perspectives and cultures.

Literacy Curriculum Maps

Literacy Support Software

In District 303 we have the literacy support cloud based software Read & Write for Google Chrome available for all our students through their Google Chrome accounts.

This resource provides reading, writing and research tools to our students.

Read&Write makes everyday literacy tasks easier.

  • Hear web pages and documents read out loud to improve reading comprehension
  • Understand unfamiliar words with text and picture dictionaries
  • Develop writing skills with word prediction
  • Support independent student research with study skill tools

It's a BIG confidence booster for anyone who needs a little extra help with reading and writing, at school or at home.

Accessing Read&Write

All District 303 students have access to Read&Write on their Chrome account, which allows student access to Read&Write on ANY logged in device.

See the document below for additional information on how to access Read&Write at home.

Additional information on this software can be found at: https://www.texthelp.com/en-us/support/training/feature-videos/#GoogleChrome