We have been closely monitoring weather conditions and conferring with other local agencies and our operational staff. All D303 schools will be open and operating on a normal schedule tomorrow–Tuesday, Jan. 21. We anticipate and are working to ensure regular operations on our busing routes and in our school buildings. We encourage staff and families to dress for subzero temperatures. As always, families have the option of keeping their children home if they believe the weather is too cold to be outside.
In District 303 we have the literacy support cloud based software Read & Write for Google Chrome available for all our students through their Google Chrome accounts.
This resource provides reading, writing and research tools to our students.
Read&Write makes everyday literacy tasks easier.
It's a BIG confidence booster for anyone who needs a little extra help with reading and writing, at school or at home.
Accessing Read&Write
All District 303 students have access to Read&Write on their Chrome account, which allows student access to Read&Write on ANY logged in device.
See the document below for additional information on how to access Read&Write at home.
Additional information on this software can be found at: https://www.texthelp.com/en-us/support/training/feature-videos/#GoogleChrome