For additional school specific information, please visit your child’s school website.
Please note that school start and end times are different this year. This chart indicates start and end times at each level, earliest drop-off times, as well as early release times.
The Superintendent's Office recently launched a new webpage that provides a comprehensive look at District 303. By visiting the page, you'll learn about our strategic priorities and their key initiatives, catch up on board updates and news stories, follow important notices to our families, and watch exciting videos showcasing daily school activities and student and staff accomplishments.
When you visit our schools, you will notice interior locked vestibule glass doors and windows that allow for more secure entrances. During the school day, we ask that visitors come to the main school entrance, press the buzzer, stand in front of the camera before identifying themselves and providing the reason for their visit. Visitors will be buzzed into the vestibule by school staff and will be asked to present identification that will be scanned into an electronic visitor management system. Items such as lunches, homework, or instruments can be placed on shelves in the vestibule and will be brought into the school by a staff member.
When visitors have to enter the school for any reason, they will be issued a temporary ID to wear while in the building and will be asked to check in the office for direction.
The safety and security of our students, staff members, and visitors is a top priority for District 303. We appreciate your assistance in our efforts to improve our secure learning environments while still maintaining a welcoming atmosphere in our schools.
Anonymous Online Reporting Form
This online system provides parents and students with a safe and confidential place where they can report bullying activity or safety threats taking place within District 303 schools. All reports made through this form are sent directly to district and building administration who will identify and investigate reported behaviors with appropriate discipline and interventions.
Student Handbooks (includes dress code)
The handbooks and discipline procedures are only a summary of School Board policies and administrative procedures governing the District. These handbooks may be amended at any time during the school year without notice.
Please report your child’s absence by calling their school directly.
We are asking for your assistance in keeping all students safe while they travel between home and school. If riding the school bus is an option for your students, we encourage you to have them do so, especially during inclement weather. Please only drive your student to school if it is absolutely necessary.
We ask that you remember the following items that will help keep our students safe during the school year:
The bus routes developed by our Transportation Department during the summer are designed to maximize safety, and work as efficiently as possible. During the first two weeks of school, our drivers and transportation department administrators will gather information about the efficiency and timeliness of routes. After that time, any necessary changes will be made and parents will be informed. We ask that you do not contact that transportation department during those two weeks.
Bus route schedules for all grade levels will be available for viewing on Home Access Center starting at 12 p.m. on August 7. We encourage parents to check schedules again prior to the beginning of school to see if times have been updated.
The Home Access Center (HAC) offers parents the ability to view a daily summary, attendance information, student schedule, and more all in a password protected environment.
Home Access Center is now open for parents of middle school, high school, and Compass Academy students. It will open for parents of elementary school students at 8am on Wednesday, August 7th.
Across the Board newsletters serve as a summary of all school board and committee meetings, breaking down each agenda item and recapping any vote or recommendation. You can view these newsletters by visiting the Across the Board page.
District 303 eNews is a bi-weekly PDF newsletter that includes stories about unique and insightful classroom activities, exciting extracurriculars, and students and staff accomplishments, among other topics. You can subscribe to have all issues sent right to your inbox by visiting the eNews page.
District 303 uses Finalsite (formerly Parentlink), a computerized telephone and email system to deliver recorded messages to all of its students and staff. Calls may be about general district-wide issues (i.e. weather-related school closings) or specific school-level topics. Visit the Home Access Center website for information on how to view and edit your contact settings.
District 303 has adopted a "green" approach to distributing information from non-profit organizations, intergovernmental agencies and business partners for which it grants approval. Information can be posted on this Community Backpack webpage throughout the school year for all to see. It is estimated that this saves around 2,500 hours per year in sorting and handling of these materials, as well as other natural resources.