We have been closely monitoring weather conditions and conferring with other local agencies and our operational staff. All D303 schools will be open and operating on a normal schedule tomorrow–Tuesday, Jan. 21. We anticipate and are working to ensure regular operations on our busing routes and in our school buildings. We encourage staff and families to dress for subzero temperatures. As always, families have the option of keeping their children home if they believe the weather is too cold to be outside.
Our commitment to educating students extends to our District 303 families. The Parent Education Series is our way of empowering parents and guardians to support their children’s academic, social and emotional needs through a series of information sessions. Become informed on specialized topics, engage in two-way dialogue with speakers and fellow parents, and become a support resource for others.
The sessions offered are based in part on feedback from our parents, and may feature teachers and staff, community partners or guests from afar who specialize in topics relevant to our District. Families will have the opportunity to hear from guest speakers who specialize in areas that are relevant, timely and beneficial.
Please view the dates below for upcoming sessions and to access RSVP forms. If you have ideas about programming, please contact Tracy Taylor and/or Scott Harvey.
FALL 2023
> Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2023
Applying to College Successfully
English / In Person
St. Charles North High School Auditorium
Presenter: Providence & Toledo Universities
This evening event is targeted towards Seniors and their parents, but is open to students and parents of all ages. Come to hear from college admissions counselors about the application, admission, and enrollment process.
> Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2023
College Options for Juniors
English / In Person
St. Charles North High School Auditorium
Presenter: District 303 School Counselors
This evening event is targeted towards Juniors and their parents, but is open to students and parents of all ages. Come to hear from District 303 school counselors about the process of selecting the right college for your family.
> Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023
Make Kindness Go Viral: Addressing Cyberbullying at Home
English / Virtual Presentation
Presenter: Sameer Hinduja, PhD. | Cyberbullying Research Center
This presentation seeks to share evolving best practices that can be proactively implemented in homes and families to curb technology misuse. Foundational information related to how kids use the Internet and their devices is first provided before examining cyberbullying, sexting, and unwise social media use in detail. Practical strategies for identification, prevention, and response are then discussed extensively in a conversational format to allow for input and Q&A from the audience. Attendees will leave equipped with an increased ability to promote safe and responsible participation in cyberspace among the youth they care for, and with numerous resources to assist them towards those ends.
> Let’s Talk About It: Bullying Prevention Discussion Series
English / Virtual Presentation
Presenters: Impactful, LLC & District 303 Staff
Join District 303 in follow-up discussions related to talking with your children about bullying. Walk away with tools for having courageous conversations with your children designed to build their awareness of the forms bullying can take, how to show empathy for others, and how to stand up to bullying behavior.
Time: 6:00pm-7:00pm for all sessions
Location: Virtual
> Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Early College Credit Information Night
English / In Person
St. Charles North High School Auditorium
Presenter: District 303 Staff
This evening event is targeted towards high school students and their parents, but is open to students and parents of all ages. Come to learn Information about Advanced Placement (AP), Fox Valley Career Center (FVCC), and Elgin Community College (ECC) & College of DuPage (COD) dual credit options.
English / VIRTUAL * Updated 12/04/2023
Presenters: Allyse Rehak, MA, LCPC, Riverview Counseling Services
As anxiety becomes more prevalent in our children, parents want to be able to support their child’s worries. Come learn what anxiety is all about and how to build your child’s emotional health.
Register Here!
> Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023
Let’s Talk About It: Screenagers Next Chapter Film Screening & Dialogue
English / VIRTUAL *Updated 12/08/2023
Presenter: Delaney Ruston, MD & Screenagers Filmmaker
Filmmaker and physician Delaney Ruston uses a personal lens and professional eye to help flip the script on stress, anxiety, and depression. Filmgoers follow Delaney as she finds herself at a loss on how to help her own teens as they struggle with their emotional wellbeing. Dr. Ruston sets out to understand these challenges in our current screen-filled society, and how we as parents and schools empower teens to overcome mental health challenges and build emotional agility, communication savvy, and stress resilience. A Q&A discussion with filmmaker Dr. Ruston will follow.
Register Here!
> Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023
How Do I Know? A Parent's Guide to Detecting Vaping, Alcohol and Drug Use
English | VIRTUAL *Updated 12/08/2023
Presenter: Detective Rich Wistocki
An unforgettable, thought-provoking presentation that provides teens and their parents insight and education exposing the use of vaping and the accidental road to addiction. From Middle School to High School Students, the “How Do I Know?” program, boldly outlines challenges teens face every day. The drug abuse epidemic has continued to grow nationwide in ways we’ve never seen before. The potency of these drugs, and their availability in our communities and schools is staggering. Presenters will discuss how “Vaping” and “Weed” are the gateway to more potent drugs. Students will be given a life’s lesson in addiction and how it can be fatal. Powerful and accessible addiction resources will be given to all who attend. The presentation is open to middle and high school students and parents.
Register Here!
> Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024
Let’s Talk About It: Race to Be Human Film Screening & Dialogue
English / *VIRTUAL*
Presenters: Scilla Andreen & Jason Craige Harris | Impactful, LLC
This documentary addresses the impact of racism on students’ mental health through the lens of students, experts and educators. The film examines micro-aggressions, allyship, and the role of social district. It also shares how we can participate and build empathy through conversations at home, work, and school. A Q&A discussion will filmmaker Scilla Andreen and one of the film’s featured experts will follow.
Register Here!
> Let’s Talk About It: Race to Be Human Discussion Series
English / *VIRTUAL*
Presenters: Impactful, LLC & District 303 Staff
Join District 303 in follow-up discussions related to talking with your children about race, culture, and identity. Walk away with tools for having courageous conversations with your children designed to build their awareness, empathy, and allyship of people from all walks of life.
Time: 6:00pm-7:00pm for all sessions
Location: *VIRTUAL*
Register Here!
> Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Spring Into College (College Admissions Process)
English / In Person
St. Charles East High School, Little Theatre
Presenter: Julie Nelson, Xavier University
This evening event is targeted towards Juniors and Seniors and their parents but is open to students and parents of all ages. Come to hear from college admissions counselors about the application, admission, and enrollment process.
> Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Building Resiliency: Supporting a Growth Mindset
English / *Changed to VIRTUAL*
Presenters: Allyse Rehak, LCPC, Riverview Counseling Services
Parents want their children to be successful when moving through life’s “ups and downs.” Helping to support resiliency through challenges can teach them how to be more confident in themselves.
La Serie de Educación para Padres es nuestra forma de empoderar a los padres y tutores para que apoyen las necesidades académicas, sociales y emocionales de sus hijos a través de una serie de sesiones informativas. Infórmese sobre temas especializados, participe en un diálogo bidireccional con oradores y otros padres, y conviértase en un recurso de apoyo para los demás.
> Miércoles 6 de diciembre del 2023
Calmando la Tormenta: Identificando y Apoyando a los Niños con Ansiedad
Español / En Persona *VIRTUAL (Actualizado 12/04/2023)
Presentador(a): Darley Giraldo, LCPC, Servicios de Consejería Riverview
A medida que la ansiedad se vuelve más frecuente en nuestros hijos, los padres quieren poder apoyarlos con las preocupaciones que ellos puedan tener. Venga a aprender de qué se trata la ansiedad y cómo desarrollar la salud emocional de su hijo.
Recomendada Para: Todos los padres y guardianes
> Miércoles 13 de marzo del 2024
Construyendo Resiliencia: Apoyando una "Mentalidad de Crecimiento"
Español / *Cambiado a VIRTUAL*
Presentador: Darley Giraldo, LCPC, Servicios de Consejería Riverview
Los padres quieren que sus hijos tengan éxito en la vida a pesar de todos los "altibajos” que tengan que enfrentar. Ayudar a los niños a seguir adelante a pesar de las dificultades de la vida puede enseñarles cómo tener más confianza en sí mismos. Al superar estas dificultades, fomentamos la independencia y la capacidad de crecer y madurar hasta la edad adulta.
Recomendada Para: Todos los padres y guardianes
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