We have been closely monitoring weather conditions and conferring with other local agencies and our operational staff. All D303 schools will be open and operating on a normal schedule tomorrow–Tuesday, Jan. 21. We anticipate and are working to ensure regular operations on our busing routes and in our school buildings. We encourage staff and families to dress for subzero temperatures. As always, families have the option of keeping their children home if they believe the weather is too cold to be outside.
St. Charles CUSD 303 is proud to offer the Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy to our students which recognizes high school students who have demonstrated a high level of proficiency in English and in other languages. To earn the Seal, Students must meet the state-approved proficiency level on state-approved English and world language assessments. Students who approach the criteria but do not meet it may be eligible for the Commendation toward Biliteracy. Students are able to earn the Seal of Biliteracy or Commendation toward Biliteracy in more than one language. Freshmen to seniors may participate in the Seal of Biliteracy but recognition occurs upon graduation.
Upon graduating from St. Charles CUSD 303, the Seal is affixed to the diploma and designated on the transcript. Furthermore, the Illinois school code requires Illinois public universities and state-approved community colleges to establish criteria to translate a State Seal of Biliteracy into course credit. Applying for this recognition is voluntary and students and families must actively apply for this at the respective university. Students or families are responsible for this cost. The tables below provide information about the qualifying tests and scores a student must achieve.
AP Exam scores can be used to demonstrate proficiency, and the AAPPL test may not be required. If a senior has taken an approved assessment in previous years and met the minimum criteria, that score can be used to demonstrate proficiency.
The ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL), Standards-based Measurement of Proficiency (STAMP4S), and ALTA measure interpretive listening, interpretive reading, interpersonal listening and speaking, and presentational writing. The ACTFL Latin Interpretive Reading Assessment (ALIRA) measures only interpretive reading.
Additional information can be found at:
AAPPL: http://aappl.actfl.org/
ALTA: https://altalang.com/language-testing/
ALIRA: http://www.languagetesting.com/alira-the-actfl-latin-interpretive-reading-assessment
STAMP 4S: https://avantassessment.com/stamp
Please consider applying for this special recognition. If you have any questions, please ask your school counselor, World Language or ELL teacher, or the Assistant Principal for Instructional Programs at your home high school.