Monday, March 31-Friday, April 4 the Administration building will be open from 7:30am-3:30pm
For general information on eLearning, please visit our
D303 eLearning page
A live chat service is available for device and system support. This is the best way for families to receive fast technical support for district devices and services. The virtual IT team will be available to assist during normal business hours, but if you leave a message, support staff will follow up the next business day.
Chat directly with ITS staff by clicking "Chat with IT tech support" in the lower right corner.
For staff, the Technology Helpdesk System remains the most efficient way to receive technical assistance.
Once logged into the Helpdesk, enter your issue or request. All tickets are addressed according to current priorities.
Helpdesk Phone
Technical Assistance is available for remote users between 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday-Friday at 331-228-4101. If your call is not answered, please leave a message and we will respond as soon as possible.
Unless there is an emergency, the Tech Support phone line is meant for remote users only. Onsite staff support needs should submit a helpdesk ticket or reach out to the live chat service.