Final Proposed Boundary Map

At the special meeting on February 20, 2018, School Board members recommended that the original proposal to close and repurpose Fox Ridge, and change elementary school boundaries be moved forward for action.

School Board members asked the administration to make adjustments to the elementary school boundary map to include feedback they received from the community. The administration feels that this revised map accomplishes its goal to right size the elementary school enrollment across the District. In addition, the recommended map fixes many planning area issues related to middle school boundaries.

The final proposed interactive elementary school boundary map is now available below as part of the elementary boundaries and utilization page. In addition, you will find the utilization chart that corresponds to the map, and a second chart that contains separate fields for our grade level classrooms and special program classrooms, which are based on projections for next year.

The School Board considered the proposal for action at its regular meeting on March 12 in the St. Charles East High School cafeteria at 7:00 p.m.  

Repurposing Fox Ridge - Documents