District 303 has been preparing a new Facility Master Plan to ensure the
long-term functionality of its buildings and the educational support systems
within that serve students and staff. A facility master plan establishes
a framework for structural maintenance, improvements and growth
and is responsive to an organization’s current and projected needs.
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The boundary updates webpage launches, and serves as the new page for facility updates for the 2023-2024 school year.
Administration and the Board begin to engage the community regarding boundaries for the 2024-2025 school year.
At the August Business Services Committee meeting, Administration presented its Long-Term Capital Improvement Plan and funding to support space utilization of Lincoln, Fox Ridge and Haines.
At the July Business Services Committee meeting, Administration discussed its plans for developing a long-range capital improvement plan , which focuses on maintenance needs.
At the July 26 regular meeting, the Board approved the recommendation of Scenario D. Changes will take effect to begin the 2024-2025 school year and include the following:
At the June 29 Business Services Committee meeting, Administration presented minimum space standards for middle and high schools (Pages 6-9). Administration found, based on RSP's enrollment and capacity study, that there are no enrollment or capacity concerns at the high school level. Projections do show increased enrollment and over-utilization at the middle school level will occur for a limited time. This does not require brick-or-mortar solutions, but will need to be addressed through other means. A detailed breakdown of secondary space standards can be viewed in the Board memo (Pages 4-5).
At the June 29 Business Services Committee meeting, Administration provided a follow-up presentation on Scenario D (Pages 10-16) and reiterated the recommendation of this scenario for Board approval at the next regular Board meeting. This scenario meets all evaluation criteria by: aligning with the strategic priorities, enhancing learning opportunities for students, ensuring necessary space for early childhood, providing professional learning space, cost is within financial parameters, and aligns with Board’s facility guiding principles. A detailed breakdown of Scenario D can be viewed in the Board memo .
At the June 12 Board meeting, RSP provided updated functional capacity, and Administration presented a recommendation to the Board for space utilization of Lincoln, Fox Ridge and Haines and a funding model. Administration recommended scenario D. The Board tabled action on this agenda item for a future meeting. Scenario D repurposes Fox Ridge as an elementary school, and will do the following:
Administration presented a cost analysis of Lincoln and Fox Ridge, along with space utilization at Haines Center. Administration was joined by Wold Architects to discuss current use, future building scenarios and funding options. The Board also requested Administration explore additional scenarios. From these options, one scenario and one funding model will be brought before the Board to consider at its June 12 meeting.
The District anticipates that the functional capacity numbers provided by RSP - aligned with the minimum standards - will suggest repurposing Lincoln Elementary and Fox Ridge Early Childhood Center. At the May 8 Board meeting, Administration provided additional information on how the space standards impact Lincoln, Fox Ridge and Richmond. It was shared that no changes will take place in the 2023-2024 school year. It was also discussed that for the 2024-2025 school year, if approved by the Board, the District would reopen Fox Ridge as an elementary school, repurpose Lincoln, and implement boundary changes.
During a Business Services Committee meeting, Administration presented on Compass Academy , which described the Alternative Learning Opportunities Programs (ALOP) services offered, and clarified why the District needs both a comprehensive high school and non-traditional high school experience to support the implementation of our strategic priorities.
Administration presented to the Board on Elementary Space Utilization and received consensus to share these with RSP, which will use the standards to provide functional capacity numbers this summer. The standards set space minimums for building classrooms, offices and program space. The standards establish space minimums for building classrooms, offices, and district program space based on the District's values and strategic priorities. Based on current building structures, some schools don't meet all standards.
During a Learning and Teaching Committee meeting, Administration presented on early childhood , including required services and the need for one location in order to meet the strategic priorities.
Administration presented additional documents requested by the Board as follow-up items, including heat maps of student population density broken out by age group.
Administration presented a follow-up to the RSP study. Topics included norms for discussing space standards and proposed building changes and a list of what the Board would like to consider moving forward, such as analysis of early childhood demographics, program locations, ADA compliance, Haines space utilization, among others.
It was determined at the RSP presentation that minimum space standards need to be established to ensure equitable learning experiences for each student. Additionally, it was recommended the district values and strategic plan be used to establish the minimum space standards. The Board requested that the administration recommend minimum space standards for elementary schools.
RSP presented findings of its enrollment and capacity studies. Among its key findings: Overall enrollment is expected to remain stable over the next 5 years, and across the district there is the functional capacity to support elementary enrollment (the capacity study did not include early childhood services).
Return meetings were held to review the Operations Theme, which included concerns on overcrowding in schools, and preview next steps in the Facility Master Plan process.
The Strategic Plan Development Committee is formed to begin developing the District’s 5-year plan to guide its long-term vision for students and employees. Priorities include effective collaboration, instructional coherence and culture of dignity.
The District begins a series of listening sessions, called Listen Learn Return , with follow up meetings to share feedback and action steps from the prominent themes that emerged.
The Board approved a contract with RSP & Associates to complete a detailed enrollment study and facility capacity study to assess future growth and how the District is utilizing its current buildings.
The Board approved 13 guiding principles from which the District will follow with regard to facility planning.
District Administration worked with Wold Architects to evaluate current District spaces in comparison to industry standards.
District Administration worked with Wold Architects to review the committee’s findings and recommendations.
The Committee presented a report to the Board with recommendations. It included feedback from focus groups and findings ranging from space equity and grade configuration to accessibility and safety and security.
District 303 commissions Wold Architects to facilitate the Facility Master Plan process. Data is gathered on facility usage and physical conditions.
The Educational Facility Planning Committee (an extension of the Citizen Advisory Committee) is formed. They are tasked with working alongside District Administration and Wold Architects to develop a financially sustainable, comprehensive long-range Facility Master Plan that would accommodate enrollment, instruction, programs and support systems over the next 10 years.
Facility Master Plan: A long-term plan that establishes a framework for structural maintenance, improvements and growth and is responsive to an organization’s current and projected needs.
Functional Capacity: Proper utilization of space within a building to ensure appropriate learning and working environments.
Minimum Space Standards: The minimum requirements for how space is utilized consistently across all school buildings, including number of classrooms, offices, size of certain spaces, and program capacity.
Boundaries: The attendance area that determines the school assignment for each student.
As part of the Facility Master Plan process, the Board and Administration identified the need for a detailed enrollment study across the District, as well as a facility capacity study to ensure the District is utilizing its current buildings efficiently. Administration solicited proposals for this work, and on August 8, 2022 approved the proposal from RSP & Associates.
Added on May 11, 2023
RSP shared the results of its enrollment and capacity studies at the February 23 Business Services Committee meeting. In summary, it found that the population and enrollment trend is expected to remain stable over the next 5 years. While the District currently has the capacity to support the population, utilization is unevenly distributed across schools, causing inequitable learning experiences, particularly in art and music. The capacity study did not include early childhood services. Read RSP’s full report.
Added on May 11, 2023
Given RSP’s report noting that utilization is unevenly distributed and there are inequitable learning experiences, Administration and the Board determined that minimum space standards need to be established to ensure equitable learning experiences for each student.
Added on May 11, 2023
Based on the variety of current building structures, some elementary schools don't meet all minimum standards. Notably, Lincoln has only 12 classroom spaces, which does not meet the minimum standard of 18 core classrooms, space for non-core/elective classes, and the need for 2 repurposed classrooms. At Richmond Intermediate, there are only 21 total core classrooms, short of the 22 needed to allow for growth. These are further detailed in the Administration’s report to the Board on May 8. While all schools meet a large number of standards, the number of standards met and not met varies across the District.
Added on May 11, 2023
At the July 26 regular meeting, the Board approved the recommendation of Scenario D. Changes will take effect to begin the 2024-2025 school year and include the following:
A detailed breakdown of Scenario D can be viewed in the Board memo .
Updated on July 27, 2023
Administration recommended fully funding any construction with long-term debt for approximately $23 million in non-referendum bonds to fund the projects. Rationale for this recommendation was provided on slide 22 of the June 12 presentation. This level of debt would result in a projected property tax increase of approximately $21 on a $350,000 home and $43 on a $700,000 home. The Board tabled action on this agenda item for a future meeting. The funding model will be discussed at the August Business Services Committee meeting.
Updated on July 12, 2023
Administration recommended one scenario and funding model based on the following evaluation criteria:
Added on May 26, 2023
The Board will take action on Scenario D at the July 26 meeting. The funding model will be discussed at the August Business Services Committee meeting, and action taken at a future meeting. Agendas are published in BoardDocs.
Updated July 12, 2023
The elementary minimum space standards were presented on April 10, and have resulted in ongoing discussions and actions on District facilities. See the timeline above to view all action steps taken and future actions to come. On July 26, the Board approved the recommended Scenario D to repurpose three buildings and relocate select services, effective 2024-2025. In August, the District will review a funding model for this project. This fall, Administration will engage the community regarding boundaries for the 2024-2025 school year.
Updated on July 27, 2023
District 303 staff will be assigned to positions based on the needs of the District and building utilization in the 2024-2025 school year.
Updated on May 24, 2023
Depending on Board actions, secondary buildings may be impacted. Administration found that there are no enrollment or capacity concerns for the high schools. For the middle schools, there are no brick-or-mortar solutions needed, but overcrowding will need to be addressed through other means. A detailed breakdown of secondary space standards can be viewed in the Board memo (Pages 4-5). This summer, the Board approved Scenario D to repurpose some elementary and District buildings and relocate select services. In the fall, the District will begin reviewing boundary changes for all three levels of education.
Updated on July 27, 2023
Yes. At the June 29 Business Services Committee meeting, Administration presented minimum space standards for middle and high schools (Pages 6-9). A detailed breakdown of secondary space standards can be viewed in the Board memo (Pages 4-5)
Updated on June 13, 2023
Administration found, based on RSP's enrollment and capacity study, that there are no enrollment or capacity concerns at the high school level. Projections do show increased enrollment and over-utilization at the middle school level will occur for a limited time. This does not require brick-or-mortar solutions, but will need to be addressed through other means. A detailed breakdown of secondary space standards can be viewed in the Board memo (Pages 4-5)
Added on June 13, 2023
Administrations presented five scenarios at the May 25 Business Services meeting, and the Board also requested Administration to explore additional options. These options were either grouped with existing scenarios or used to form new scenarios, all of which were reviewed and presented at the June 12 Regular Board meeting. Each scenario, whether or not it was feasible, and rationale are listed on pages 4-15 of the Board memo, and are also viewable on slides 9-19 of the Board presentation. They include:
Relocate Early Childhood to Lincoln.
* Scenarios C-2, F, and G includes additional options requested by Board to review
Updated on June 13, 2023
Estimated costs for each scenario can be found on pages 8-15 of the Board memo from June 12.
Updated June 13, 2023
The Board will consider boundary changes for all three levels of education. This decision would be considered by the Board in winter 2023-2024, and if approved would not take effect until the 2024-2025 school year.
Added on May 11, 2023
Any boundary changes would take effect beginning in the 2024-2025 school year. There will not be any boundary adjustments for the 2023-2024 school year.
Added on May 11, 2023
Until the Board takes action on the boundary changes - which it will consider in winter 2023-2024 and won't take effect until the next school year - we will not know the impact this will have on students.
Added on May 11, 2023
The District is not anticipating needing a referendum vote at this time.
Added on May 11, 2023
By reviewing these facility numbers and having conversations now, the District can ensure our staff, students and community are well informed of discussions on this topic and in advance of any possible changes, plus execute the construction bid process in a timely manner.
Added on May 11, 2023
What other questions do you have? Submit a question to this form and we’ll work to answer those in future communications.
July 26, 2023
Scenario D Approved: Video | Memo
June 29, 2023
Scenario D Reviewed: Video | Presentation | Memo
Secondary Space Standards: Video | Presentation | Memo
June 12, 2023
RSP Presents Capacity Update: Video | Presentation
Scenario Recommendation: Video | Presentation | Memo
May 25, 2023
Haines Center Space Utilization: Video | Presentation
Cost Analysis - Lincoln and Fox Ridge: Video | Presentation
May 8, 2023
Lincoln and Fox Ridge Usage Report: Video | Presentation
April 10, 2023
Minimum Space Standards: Video | Presentation
February 23, 2023
RSP Presents Demographer Report: Video | Presentation
February 2, 2023
Return Meeting on Operations: Video
September 1, 2022
Strategic Plan Development Committee Formed
August 31, 2022
Listen Learn Return Launched
August 22, 2022
Board Approves Facility Guiding Principles
Board Approves RSP Contract
January 31, 2022
Space Comparison to Industry Standards
June 14, 2021
Committee presents report to Board