Monday, March 31-Friday, April 4 the Administration building will be open from 7:30am-3:30pm
Classroom teachers will email families on or before the E-Learning Day detailing where materials can be found
- Complete assigned work and activities as directed by your teacher(s).
- Access the "E-Learning Day {Date}" folder in the Schoology Homeroom course for work and directions.
- Use your Chromebook & Classlink for online learning activities.
- Students will engage in their special(s) for the day that the teacher has identified to complete: PE, Music, Art, STEM
- Specials teachers will post work on their Schoology page.
- Orchestra & Band: Teachers will post work to their Schoology page.
- Your teacher will provide a Google Form to record your attendance.
- Google Form: Scan QR Code from home (Phone) or click link in Schoology.
- If you encounter any problems or have questions, email your teacher directly from your school-issued Google account.
- Special education teachers, EL teachers, and related services providers will coordinate with your child’s classroom teacher to share information and resources specific to your child’s needs.
- If you encounter any problems or have questions, email your teacher directly from your school-issued Google account.